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"Roach Bros. Martian Rover Salvage"
by CyberCraft Robots
“Because we’ll be here
when everyone else is dead.”
Free towing
24.6 hours a day
669 days year.
In July and August of 2012, it was too hot for our Primary Robot Creator to work during the day. (See… the Robots worked really hard to make the Orbiting Laboratory duplicate weather conditions in Florida. They thought it would make her feel more at home…)
So anyway, she was working from dusk to dawn all that hot Summer. As she worked on Robots she listened to updates on the progress of the Curiosity mission to Mars. When the lander arrived on the red planet and the Rover began its exploration, it happened to be palmetto bug season in Florida (and similarly designed environs.)
This juxtaposition of exciting extra-planetary exploration tech (which will someday be junk) and very large cockroaches (which will someday inherit at least part of our solar system) inspired a vision of a future in which really really big bugs scavenge scrapped Martian vehicles and haul them to their salvage yards.
This piece is sold. Please check our price list for available work.
If you have questions/comments, please contact the Orbiting Laboratory.
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